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Aug. 28, 2024

Doodles Decoded: Why They Don't Qualify as Purebred Dogs

Doodles Decoded: Why They Don't Qualify as Purebred Dogs

In recent years, doodles—crossbreeds between poodles and other breeds such as Labradors (Labradoodles) or Golden Retrievers (Goldendoodles)—have gained immense popularity. While these charming, curly-coated dogs have captured many hearts, it’s essential to understand why doodles are not considered purebred dogs.

What is a "Purebred" Dog?

A purebred dog belongs to a specific breed that has been developed over generations through selective breeding by preservation breeders. These breeders focus is to ensure consistent characteristics such as appearance, temperament, and behavior. These traits are meticulously documented and standardized by reputable breed registries like the American Kennel Club (AKC).

So What are Doodles?

Doodles are hybrid dogs, meaning they are a mix of two different purebred breeds. For example, a Labradoodle is a mix between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. While these hybrids CAN inherit favorable traits from both parent breeds, such as the Poodle’s hypoallergenic coat and the Labrador’s friendly demeanor, they do not meet the criteria for a purebred dog and in fact, despite the claims of some of those who breed them, they do NOT necessarily inherit the best of both breeds. In fact, its quite possible for a puppy to inherit the worst of both their parents' bloodlines- such is the nature of genetics!

Genetic Variability

Purebred dogs are bred to maintain specific breed standards, resulting in a predictable set of traits. In contrast, doodles can exhibit a wide range of characteristics from either parent breed. This genetic variability means that even within the same litter, doodles can look and behave very differently from one another.

Lack of Breed Standardization

Unlike purebred dogs, doodles do not have an established breed standard. Organizations like the AKC or the United Kennel Club (UKC) do not recognize doodles as official breeds. Without a standardized set of traits and characteristics, doodles cannot be classified as purebred.

Health Considerations

One advantage often cited for doodles is hybrid vigor—the idea that crossbreeding can lead to healthier offspring due to increased genetic diversity. While this can be true, it also means that doodles can inherit health issues from both parent breeds as I previously mentioned. Responsible breeding practices are crucial to minimize these risks, just as they are with purebred dogs.

The Importance of Responsible Breeding

Whether you choose a purebred dog or a doodle, it’s vital to select a responsible breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their animals. Ethical breeders conduct health screenings, provide proper socialization, and offer support to new pet owners.


While doodles are delightful companions, they do not meet the criteria to be classified as purebred dogs. Understanding the distinction between purebred and hybrid dogs can help prospective pet owners make informed decisions and appreciate the unique qualities of their chosen companions. Whether you opt for a purebred or a doodle, the key is to ensure a happy, healthy, and well-cared-for pet.

To learn more about the myths and truths of purebred dogs, check out our podcast episode on the topic!